St. Stephen's Church
Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem

The Organ
The Pipe Organ in St. Stephen's was moved, enlarged, and modernized by the Fritzesche Organ Co. of Allentown. The original 1912 Esty Organ was used as a nucleus for the present instrument. The 1912 instrument consisted of 8 ranks and 1 extended pedal rank for a total of 532 pipes. Thanks to the generosity of Dr. and Mrs. James Weres, the Fritzsche Co. enlarged the instrument to 18 ranks and 4 pedal ranks for a total of 1186 pipes. A new console, blower, and current rectifier were also added. The new console is well prepared for future additions, also the console is electrically adequate for chimes should they be desired in the future. Additional Swell Expression Louvers were installed to take advantage of the unique chamber location and design.​The ensemble now contains the brilliance and power lacking in the original stop list. The Great Organ contains a IV Fourniture, the Swell Organ a III Plein Jeu which gives the instrument the brilliance mentioned. A French style 8' Trompette in the Swell Organ adds power as well as brilliance. Flute stops have been added to complete the Flute Chorus in the Swell. All four families of organ pipes are now represented; Diapasons, Flutes, Strings, and Reeds. ​
Original Stop List
Great Organ (unenclosed)
8' Open Diapason, 61 pipes
8' Melodia, 61 pipes
8' Dulciania
4' Flute
Swell Organ (under expression)
8' Oboe Gamba, 61 pipes
8' Stopped Diapason, 61 pipes
8' Salicional, 61 pipes
4' Flute, 61 pipes
Pedal Organ (unenclosed)
16' Bourdon, 32 pipes
8' Flute, 12 pipes​
Present Stop List
Great Organ (unenclosed)
8' Principal, 61 pipes
8' Hohlflute, 61 pipes
4' Octave
4' Waldflute, 61 pipes
IV Fourniture, 244 pipes
Swell Organ (under expression)
8' Gedeckt, 61 pipes
8' Salicional, 61 pipes
8' Vox Celeste TC, 49 pipes
4' Prestant, 61 pipes
2 2/3' Nazard, 61 pipes
2' Block Flute, 61 pipes
III Plein Jeu, 183 pipes
8' Trompette, 61 pipes
Pedal Organ (unenclosed)
16' Bourdon, 32 pipes
16' Lieblich Gedeckt
8' Principal
8' Flute, 12 pipes
4' Flute, 12 pipes
4' Choral Bass, 32 pipes
2' Super Octave, 12 pipes​